The Bottom Line

Strategic Stimulus Spending for Pennsylvania Administrators [Webinar]

Written by Allovue | Jun 16, 2021 2:08:48 PM





Planning relief aid can be overwhelming: federal funds come with a lot of scrutiny and high expectations. From communicating the role of stimulus dollars in your budget to allocating funds to the right initiatives—there's a lot to manage. 


In this webinar for PA Administrators, you'll learn how to distribute funds equitably, create a spending plan that's aligned to approved uses of funds, and get ahead of community communications challenges.


Join us and learn:

  • The ABCs of stimulus funds across legislative packages, including what-to-expect for fund distribution to PA districts 
  • Best practices for stimulus fund management like how to allocate dollars to targeted groups and create evidence-based justifications for spending plans
  • How to give your community context for stimulus spending with suggested language and visuals 


Get advice for strategically managing stimulus dollars, with specific considerations for Administrators leading schools in Pennsylvania. 



Here are the additional resources shared during the session:



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