The Bottom Line

ESSER Mythbusting [Webinar]

Written by Allovue | Feb 9, 2022 2:14:36 PM



“Didn’t schools get nearly $200 billion? Where did all that money even go?!” The Facebook groups, Twitter threads, community forums, and media headlines are buzzing with accusatory questions about stimulus dollars– where did they go and how can we tell and what good did all that money do, anyway? How come teachers are still buying their own masks? Why isn’t our school testing program at New Zealand-level efficiency? And how come we haven’t transformed K-12 education yet?


Superintendents and school leaders are fielding critical questions from every angle– meanwhile, many districts haven’t even received the ESSER III dollars yet. How can your district rise above the noise and share financial information with your community in a way that makes sense?


Watch the on-demand recording to learn practical tips and tricks for planning stimulus dollars through FY25 and communicating spending data in a way that’s accessible to all.


Many thanks to our session panelists: 

  • Jess Gartner, Founder & CEO | Allovue
  • Dr. Sonja Santelises, CEO | Baltimore City Public Schools
  • Dr. Susan Enfield, Superintendent | Highline Public Schools 
  • Krystafer Redden, Associate Chief of Staff for System Transformation | Rhode Island Department of Education