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    cost of reopening schools
    6 MIN READ

    The Cost of COVID-19 for Schools & Families: Part 2

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    6 MIN READ

    The Cost of COVID-19 for Schools & Families: Part 1

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    2 MIN READ

    Behind the Scenes of a Recession in K12

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    3 MIN READ

    Trust, but Verify: What to Ask Your Finance Team

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    4 MIN READ

    Safeguarding Savings: Tips to Prepare for Revenue Reductions

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    2 MIN READ

    How States Count Students to Determine Funding: A Call for Change

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    3 MIN READ

    Transparency & Crisis Management with Superintendent Mark Schwarz

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    School finance and equity
    2 MIN READ

    "I don’t see what school finance has to do with equity."

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    1 MIN READ

    Addressing Equity in a Budget Crisis [Webinar]

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    Democratization of Financial Data in Large Districts [Webinar]

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    2 MIN READ

    Guide to Implementing Priority-Based Budgeting in School Districts

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    3 MIN READ

    Streamline District Spending by Offloading Ineffectual Programs

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    2 MIN READ

    Achieve District Goals with Strategic Budgeting

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    2 MIN READ

    Meet Allovue: Jess Gartner, CEO

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    1 MIN READ

    Is a Student-based Allocation Funding Formula Right For Your District?

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