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    Vector illustration of Jess Gartner, a light-skinned woman with dark brown hair, set against a light blue background. Images of office supplies (papers, calculator, pen) float above her open hand. The text reads
    4 MIN READ

    Ask Jess: Student-to-Teacher Ratios?

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    1 MIN READ

    Get Real: The Messy Middle of Change Management in District Finance [Webinar]

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    Vector illustration of Jess Gartner, a light-skinned woman with dark brown hair, set against a light blue background. Images of office supplies (papers, calculator, pen) float above her open hand. The text reads
    2 MIN READ

    Ask Jess: Flexible Teacher Staffing?

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    Clarity & Accountability in District Finance [Webinar]

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    School Leader Perceptions About K-12 Finance [Webinar]

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    5 MIN READ

    The Next 10 Years of Ed Finance: EdFinTech Climbs to New Heights

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    19 MIN READ

    The Next 10 Years of Ed Finance: School Choice

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    8 MIN READ

    The Next 10 Years of Ed Finance: Investing in Early Childhood

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    Illustration of a person with dark brown hair, short sleeves, and cropped blue pants looking at a pie chart hovering over an outline of the state of Tennessee.
    3 MIN READ

    Tennessee's Student-Based K-12 Funding Formula

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    8 MIN READ

    The Next 10 Years of Ed Finance: State Funding Formulas

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    6 MIN READ

    The Next 10 Years of Ed Finance: Reimagining K-12 Real Estate

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    6 MIN READ

    The Next 10 Years of Ed Finance: The Future of EdTech

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